Signs and Symptoms of a Rotator Cuff Tear: When to Seek Help

Are you concerned you may have sustained a rotator cuff tear? Dr. Roger Pollock of Bergen County and Paramus, NJ, can provide a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment for relief. 

Signs and Symptoms of a Rotator Cuff Tear 

 Your shoulder joint is put through a lot each day. Every time you move your arm or try to reach over your head, it goes to work. While it can handle regular movements, it is also susceptible to an overuse injury, especially in the rotator cuff. 

The rotator cuff includes tendons and muscles that connect your shoulder blade and your upper arm. These tissues help stabilize the arm and support your movements, but they can be overused or overstretched, leading to a tear. Below, Dr. Pollock of Bergen County and Paramus, NJ, shares the signs and symptoms of a rotator cuff tear and when it’s time to see a specialist. 

Signs of a Rotator Cuff Injury 

 When your rotator cuff develops a tear, it can lead to many painful and intrusive symptoms, including those below. 

  • Restricted range of motion: You’ll typically find it hard to lift your arm past a specific level. 
  • Unusual sounds: You might hear clicking and popping when you try to lift or move your arm. 
  • Pain, spasms, and weakness: Pain in the shoulder or upper arm is a strong indicator that something is wrong. If this pain coincides with weakness or instability, it’s likely your rotator cuff. Some people find the pain to be worse at night, often waking them up, especially if they lie on the damaged side. 

When to Seek Help 

 Some people notice a visible issue right after an incident, such as a fall. The shoulder might be swollen and look like it’s “out of place.” In such cases, it’s important to seek care immediately. 

Others don’t always notice an issue until they try to perform a specific action, such as throwing a baseball or reaching something on a top shelf. It’s wise to seek care as soon as you notice that your symptoms are impacting your life to any degree. Rotator cuff tears can worsen over time, so it’s important to begin treatment as soon as possible. 

Dr. Pollock and his team in Bergen County and Paramus, NJ, are committed to ensuring you have the most effective and high-quality care to heal from a rotator cuff tear and get back to your life pain-free. Schedule an appointment today by calling (201) 612-9774.

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