What to Expect During a Consultation with an Orthopedic Surgeon

Facing the prospect of orthopedic surgery can be daunting, but understanding what to expect during your initial consultation with an orthopedic surgeon can help alleviate anxiety and ensure a smoother process. You can ensure you’re prepared for your consultation, making the process easy and quick. Knowing what to expect can also help you understand what questions you might want to ask and any concerns you might have. Dr. Roger Pollock, an orthopedic shoulder surgeon in Paramus, NJ, can help you understand what to expect from your orthopedic surgeon and what the first visit might be like.

What to Expect During Your Orthopedic Surgery Consultation

Your orthopedic surgeon in Paramus, NJ, will begin by reviewing your medical history, including any previous injuries, surgeries, medical conditions, and medications you are taking. Providing accurate and detailed information about your health background helps the surgeon better understand your unique medical needs and tailor treatment recommendations accordingly. The surgeon will conduct a thorough physical examination to assess your musculoskeletal health, range of motion, strength, stability, and any signs of injury or dysfunction. Plain radiographs (Xrays) of the involved shoulder are obtained on the initial visit to assist with diagnosis.

The orthopedic surgeon may perform specific tests or maneuvers to evaluate the affected areas and identify any underlying issues contributing to your symptoms. Once your diagnosis is established, your orthopedic surgeon will discuss potential treatment options tailored to your needs and goals. This may include conservative treatments such as physical therapy, medication, injections, or orthotic devices, as well as surgical interventions if conservative measures prove ineffective or if surgery is deemed necessary.

After your consultation, your orthopedic surgeon will develop a follow-up plan to monitor your progress and adjust your treatment. This may include scheduling additional appointments, physical therapy sessions, or imaging studies to track your recovery and ensure optimal outcomes.

Contact Your Orthopedic Surgeon Today!

Make sure you’re prepared for your consultation! Contact Dr. Pollock in Paramus, NJ, to understand what to expect from your orthopedic surgeon during your consultation. Call for more information and to schedule your appointment today at (201) 612-9774.

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